Address Damage & Decay Without Drawing Attention to It
At some point in their lives, most people will experience dental damage or decay that results in the need for a crown or filling. In the past, these restorations were made from materials that highlighted the issues, and they could cause tooth discoloration, dental sensitivity, and a variety of other side-effects and issues. At Bell Road Dentistry, we use modern materials, like ceramic and composite resin, to restore the health of your teeth without impacting the appearance of your smile.

Why Choose Bell Road Dentistry for Restorative Dentistry?

Biocompatible Cavity

We Provide Judgement-Free Dentistry

Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are cap-like structures that are custom-made to fit over the biting surface of your teeth. They can be crafted from a variety of materials, like dental ceramic, metal, and porcelain, but many patients choose to have them made from natural-looking ceramic and porcelain. They are used in a variety of situations, including to support a tooth with little natural structure left, conceal a severely misshapen tooth, or to protect a tooth that has just been treated with root canal therapy.

Tooth-Colored Fillings
Most people will get at least one cavity in their lifetime. Fortunately, this issue can easily be treated. We use tooth-colored, biocompatible fillings to repair dental damage and keep the inner structures of your teeth from becoming affected by harmful oral bacteria. The composite resin that we use for fillings is able to chemically fuse with your natural enamel, allowing the treatment to protect your tooth from the threat of bacteria for years.